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Legacy & The Coronavirus

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Dear Legacy Family, 

Along with Knox County Schools, we are taking seriously the pandemic of COVID-19. Here are some important notes for you and your family: 

  • Knox County Schools are now deep cleaning all their facilities, including West High School. Therefore Legacy Church will NOT be able to meet at West High School for the next two weeks (March 15th and March 22nd). 
  • This may seem obvious to some, extreme to others, but is honestly out of our hands of our leadership.  
  • We will provide a live-stream on Sunday AM so that you can gather in your homes as a family or with COMs and hear the Bible taught and the Gospel elevated. 
  • “Church” is not cancelled because you are the church. Legacy began as a missional community, not a Sunday morning, and so this doesn’t impede who we are or what we’re called to do. Our past heavy investment into missional community life will pay dividends in seasons like this.  
  • We’ll be contacting COM group leaders over the next day or two regarding their strategies and rhythms to continue “life-on-life” together in a season of “social distancing” and what that might look like. 
  • More information and links on Sunday streaming will come in a follow-up communication. Be watching your inbox and social media platforms.

On a similar and maybe more practical note consider that Christians throughout the centuries were known for their faithful serving in a time when the rest of the world was fleeing and fearing. The church’s historical work with those plagued and dying has shocked the world and shown Jesus in tangible expressions. If the arc of the virus follows that of China and Italy, then the next few weeks will be very difficult for many people and families in Knox County.  We would ask our congregation to "wash hands for sure, then wash feet."

This means be responsible but not fearful. Be watchful of self preservation and consider what being a servant looks like in your neighborhood. Ask critical questions as you love your neighborhood: Who needs your help? Who is alone? Do they have what they need? Do they need childcare? Are they at risk? Are they sick? 

Here are some practical ways you can be a hospitable and helpful missionary: 

  • Check in now on at-risk neighbors, particularly the elderly. Let them know that you will be checking in on them during the next few weeks.  Offer to pray with them. 
  • Childcare. There will be many neighbors who need help with childcare for jobs.  This is such a good opportunity to love in deeds.
  • Fund for people in crisis. Many people may be able to work from home, but others will suffer when businesses close and hourly workers have no income. 
  • If you would like to make a contribution to those who need help in this time, you can do so though our website (Coronavirus Fund). 

This is an opportunity for wisdom and service, being careful and also being bold.  This is a time for us to wash our hands and then wash feet.

I love you all dearly. Be strong and courageous. 

Luke Thomas and the pastors of Legacy


Posted by Luke Thomas with

How to not feel like a rookie on Easter

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Spandex, Foam Rollers and Top 40 music have more to do with Easter than you think. For years I worked as a personal trainer in various gyms and always knew that the first week of the year was our Super Bowl. In fact, there’s the potential for a gym to make enough money in the first six weeks of the year to pay for almost all of the overhead the remaining 11 months. Most of what the gym makes after Valentine's day is profit. Crazy.

People coming through the door in those timid weeks all looked pretty much the same - a bit lost, insecure, hesitant, regretful yet hopeful, and trying very hard to not look like a rookie. Swearing to make “this year different”, they’d use Jan. 1 as a rally point to see their life changed. For weeks they’d give it their best and the place would be packed, but by Valentine’s Day, it’s the same old gym rats left standing.

I feel like New Year’s is to gym attendance as Easter is to church attendance. People come a bit lost, insecure, hesitant, hopeful, and wondering if anyone can tell that they are new.

Most people I meet as a pastor that attend an Easter service after a long lapsed period are trying to - like at the gym - see their life changed. Easter is a rally point for many. If this is you, I have some pointers to make it easier for you to not feel so much like a rookie and be able to relax and feel at home in any church.

  1. Like at the gym, most people have no idea that you are new. Obviously if you are in a smaller church or church plant, that might be different, but most churches over 120 people or so won’t detect your attendance record. Just walk in like you own the place.
  2. Like a gym, there is really no need to dress up. Unspoken dress codes vary between church traditions, but most today won’t look like the churches you grew up in as a child. If you aimed at what you’d wear to work or date night, you’d be erring on overdressing, not under-dressing.
  3. Like at a gym, the main thing is still the main thing even if stuff looks different. You may notice new “stuff”, like better projectors and church apps. Graphics and technology may be different than you remember, but Jesus is still the King, His good news is still our fascination, and connecting is still our desire.
  4. Like a gym, after the first visit you can expect follow-up contact. Most churches will probably ask you to fill out a connect card of some kind. This isn’t to troll you but to serve you. If you don’t want to - don’t. If you do, you’ll likely get contacted by someone nervously trying to help.
  5. Like at a gym, a good percentage of the people around you on will be just like you, non-average or new attenders wondering if people can see that they are too a rookie. You fit in much more than you actually know. They probably tried on different outfits that morning and have butterflies and awkwardness as much as you do.
  6. The service will likely be shorter than normal. As a pastor I can tell you most pastors aim the service to go about 50-60% as long as normal. This is to make space for your family time. This is a way for churches to be hospitable and recognize your time constraints.


Unlike a gym, you won’t have to wipe the equipment after you use it, or hear men grunting and throwing things. Ke$ha will not be the music choice, and you really shouldn’t wear spandex - even if you’re feelin it.

Attending a new church is intimidating enough, but attending one when it’s been since Christmas or last Easter is something different entirely. I know I speak for other pastors when I say, we look forward to seeing you and hope you feel welcome.

Posted by Luke Thomas with